This leads to far too many hobbies. Clearly one hobby is crochet and another sewing. My other dominating hobby right now is photography. I am soaking in as much instruction as possible so I can better capture moments of my sweet girls to treasure forever.
So I decided to do a project 52 this year... ish, hehe. I figure it will help me to be better about capturing moments in time, it will help slow me down to grow in appreciation of the blessings all around me, and it will force me to continue to practice and grow in photography.
Since times are busy with two littles, a startup entrepreneurial husband, and my own little business, I decided to make a more relaxed project 52 for myself. My goal is to take at least one photo a week (approximately) and upload/post them once a month (approximately). Clearly this is a relaxed goal as my first picture was not quite within the week and I am just now posting January's pictures in February, but it gives me something for which to shoot.
Since I am sincerely trying to grow in photography, I do welcome constructive criticism by comment or email. In other words, please don't just tell me a picture is terrible, tell me how I could have done it better. And please no criticism on the actual subjects themselves as most of the time it will be one or both of my children or other family and friends. Other than that, I'm happy to be critiqued and learn new things.
So without further ado, here are January's pictures!
WEEK 1...ish: Baby Toes!
WEEK 2: Texas Snow
WEEK 3: First Solid Food Experience (in order, hehe - love pic #3!)
WEEK 4: First Little-Made PB&J and Wooded Amphitheatre

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