About Me

A business woman in degree but craft addict in heart - I am Lola.  I am wife to a wonderful hubby who is gracious toward me and my habit of enthusiastically starting a bajillion projects at once (and leaving the fallout scattered all over the house).  We unexpectedly met and fell in love in our last year of college, got married, and began our fun adventure together.  After four years of double the fun, the Lord decided to continue to increase it!  We have been abundantly blessed with two sweet and healthy baby girls whose plush cheeks and open mouth smiles inspire one to rejoice in the simple gifts of life. 

Our journey has had its twists and turns along the way, which led to the founding of LolaLand Creations.  The Lord has revealed bits and pieces of His character to me through crafting; it's something that draws me to Him as the ultimate Creator.  When hubby and I suffered multiple miscarriages, crafting became an instrument of healing in my life that I now hope to share with others.

A few other fun facts about me are that I much prefer odd numbers to even numbers, my husband and I are nerdy and have Dr. Mario competitions on the original old school Nintendo Entertainment System, and my husband and I both have adoption in our families.  My first crochet project was a queen-sized single crocheted afghan in one color, because I didn't know any better.  It took me over a year, but I definitely learned how to make very uniformly sized stitches!  Also, I <heart3 bacon!!!

Well, that's a little bit about me.  If you have any questions while visiting LolaLand please leave a comment or email me at:


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