Thursday, October 27, 2011

GIVEAWAY: Thankful Thursday Pumpkin


And the winner is:  Tara!  Congratulations!  I will send you an email soon.

Thank you all for culturing grateful hearts with me!  There is still a pumpkin beanie or two that could be made for sale at discounted rate if you didn't win and you would like one.  See my Facebook page for details.  Have a happy Halloween!

Thank you to everyone who helped me choose which pumpkin beanie to make for my shop.  And thank you for your patience as I was so busy preparing for the craft fair that I never actually listed it.  In gratitude for you (fitting for Thankful Thursday, doncha think?), I am giving away my original design pumpkin beanie (The actual #2 pictured below).

  Win newborn size hat #2 above for one of the little bitty pumpkins in your life - your own, a friend's, a stranger on the street!  It's free for shipping!  To win:
  •  Leave a comment of thanksgiving on this week's Facebook Thankful Thursday post.
  • Copy and paste that same one into one comment on my blog and add your email address (you may want to format it like: lola[at]lolalandcreations[dot]com to avoid spam).  That's it!  It's that simple!
This FFS giveaway will be short so the winner has the opportunity to get his/her hat on time for Halloween.  It will close at 2pm CST today 10.27.2011.  Here's the fine print:
  • You must be 18 or older to win.
  • Contest open only to US and Canada.
  • This is a free for the cost of shipping opportunity.  Please do not enter unless you are willing and able to pay shipping.
  • This FFS giveaway is in no way sponsored by or associated with Facebook.
  • Item can not be returned/exchanged and has no cash value.
  • Winner has 24hrs after notification to respond and pay shipping or a new winner may be selected.
  • LolaLand Creations has the right to correct any errors on this page (especially as it was typed at 2am-ish) if necessary.

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  1. Love the pumpkin hat! How adorable! :) Crossing my fingers I win-It would look so sweet on my baby boy ♥

  2. I'm thankful for my beautiful granchildren, my son being home on leave from the navy, that everything seems to be getting easier. ♥

    Tina Metcalf

    Thank you!

  3. Thankful for my incredible mother who has been coming over in the afternoons to help with Luke so I can get work done easier for our  deadline. 



  4. I am thankful for God changing mine and my husband's hearts and this new path we are on!

    to elaborate, God has informed me He intends for us to have more children (through adoption) This is not something either of us ever considered before and now we are both excited for it. Praise God!


  5. I love hearing all of your thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for this week, today, and every day! Thank you for sharing your gratitude with me. Congratulations, Tara. You won!


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